Again Wins Medals, TPB FTP Unud Students Get 3rd Place in Governor Cup 2022

One student of the Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering Study Program (TPB) again contributed medals and achievements to the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University (FTP Unud). Previously, several students from TPB FTP Unud also often donated medals and achievements including I Kadek Agus Widhiartana with the team that won the Silver Medal Paper Competition, the Bronze Medal Poster Competition at the 1st Agritech Research and Entrepreneur Innovation (AGREETION) 2022 Competition and won Special Awards in the competition. International event, namely the 8th ASEAN Agriculture Engineering Annual Regional Convention 2022 (ARC 2022) organized by The Philippine Society of Agricultural And Biosystems Engineers.


I Komang Trisna Mahendra is one of the 2021 TPB students who was able to win third place in the 75 Kg Men's Under-21 Kumite at the 2022 Governor's Cup regional championship. The 2022 KKI Governor's Championship Competition was attended by 673 athletes from the early age category to senior age . The series of events started from June 1st  –  5th June, 2022, which was held at Lila Bhuana Sports Center.


The student who is often called Mahendra also said he was grateful for the support that had been given by the Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering Study Program of FTP Unud and he also said that he would prepare himself even more carefully in the upcoming championships so that he could provide optimal performance and be able to achieve even better results. from the previous. Becoming one of the PON athletes and representing the Province of Bali in the karate championship is one of the goals to be achieved, he said.