Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering Students Again Win Medals in the National Karate Competition

A student of the Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University (TPB FTP Unud) on behalf of I Komang Trisna Mahendra class of 2021 won 1st  place in the Men's Karate Kumite competition - 84 kg and became the Best Runner Up of Best in the Malang Mayor Cup Open Championship 2023 which was held on March 4th  2023 at the Ken Arok Sports Hall, Malang.


Winning this medal adds to the achievements made by I Komang Trisna Mahendra, previously in 2022 he had donated 2 medals through provincial level karate championships. In 2023 I Komang Trisna Mahendra was able to donate 1 Gold medal through Karate at the National level which proved that he had processed and improved his achievements.


The student who is often called Mahendra also said that he was grateful for the support that had been given by the Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering Study Program of FTP Unud and he also said that he would prepare himself more thoroughly for the upcoming championship so that he could provide optimal performance and be able to maintain achievements or even achieve results. which is even better than before. Becoming one of the PON athletes and representing the Province of Bali in national and international karate championships is one of the goals you want to achieve, he said.