Assistance in Lontar Sugar SMEs, FTP Unud Establishes Cooperation with Palmira Indonesia
The Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University (FTP Unud) cooperates with Palmira Indonesia Lontar Sugar MSMEs. The signing of the Cooperation Agreement (PKS) between the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Prof. Ir. I Made Anom Sutrisna Wijaya, M.App.Sc., Ph.D with I Komang Sukarma as Founder of Palmira Indonesia has been held since Monday, 18th April 2022.
Palmira Indonesia is one of the MSMEs located in BD Cutcut, Ban Villages, Kubu, Karangasem which focuses on optimizing village potential, prospering farmers and developing the country. One of the products produced by Palmira Indonesia is Palm Sugar. This product is produced as a solution of the problems that exist in the West Tianyar Village, Center and East Tianyar Village and Ban Village because almost most of the villages in the Kubu area, Karangasem have an abundance of palm trees whose juice has the potential to be used as superior products such as Lontar Sugar with empowering farmers and local residents.
Palm sugar is a superior product from Palmira Indonesia which can be used as a characteristic and potential of East Bali, namely Karangasem. When compared to other sugars, palm sugar is relatively safer and healthier because it has been tested and proven to have a lower Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load value compared to coconut sugar and granulated sugar.
I Komang Sukarma as the founder of Palmira Indonesia revealed that the collaboration between FTP Unud and Palmira Indonesia is one of the targets to be achieved in the future and something that is highly expected because it can get assistance to improve its products. Besides that, they can also carry out product development processes with innovations and research conducted at FTP. He reported that through this collaboration, it is hoped that they can develop products made from palm sugar so that in the future many people will be educated that the potential of East Bali is one of the solutions and answers to advancing the Bali area, specifically Karangasem Regency and he also hopes that the products produced from Palmira Indonesia can be used as a characteristic and superior product from Karangasem.