BEM FTP Unud Provides Socialization Regarding PKM, KWU and PPK ORMAWA in Hybrids

The Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology carried out the Socialization of the Student Creativity Program (PKM), Entrepreneurship (KWU), and Student Organization Capacity Building Program (PPK Ormawa) with the theme Ideas Without Action Is Meaningless which was implemented in hybrids, online via Cisco Webex and offline at Reading Room, 2nd Floor GA Building, Bukit Jimbaran Campus.


This activity was attended by 3rd Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Dr. Ir. Komang Ayu Nocianitri, M.Agr.Sc., along with BEM Assistant Lecturers and attended by Students of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology. This activity consisted of three sessions, namely the presentation of PKM material given by Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Sucipta, M.P. and Sharing Session by Mrs. Mentari Kinasih. STP. M.T., Presentation of KWU material given by Mrs. Dr. Ir. Luh Putu Wrasiati, M.P. and Presentation of ORMAWA PPK materials provided by Mr. Ir. I Nyoman Budiastra, MErg., M.T.


3rd Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Dr. Ir. Komang Ayu Nocianitri, M.Agr.Sc., said that this activity was carried out to provide information and socialization to all students of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology regarding the PKM, KWU and PPK ORMAWA programs, the number of FTP students participating in the program can increase so that in the future they can improve their achievements students and the quality of Graduate Students who have other experiences outside the campus.