Carrying out Research Related to Demand Forecasting and Supply Control, Dian Luswiantini Successfully Earns a Bachelor's Degree in Agricultural Technology

Ni Nyoman Dian Luswiantini, who is often called Dian, has just got her bachelor's degree, Bachelor of Agricultural Technology (S.TP.) last July at the Agroindustrial Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University. Dian's research was conducted under the guidance of I Wayan Gede Sedana Yoga. S.TP., M.Agb. and Dr. I Gusti Ayu Lani Triani, S.TP., M.Si. with the title "Demand Forecasting and Inventory Control of Frozen Pork Products at PT. Rajaboga Jaya Nusantara”.


The research being conducted is research that concentrates on agro-industry management, namely demand forecasting and supply control, with research being conducted at PT. Rajaboga Jaya Nusantara which is a company engaged in the production and distribution of frozen pork. This research was conducted to provide companies with suggestions on methods that can be used to improve company management, starting from classifying the products offered by the company which are grouped based on the highest level of usage and the largest costs incurred by the company, the classification is divided into three classes, namely class A, class B, and Class C. Products classified as A are products that are a priority in management control that must be carried out by the company, whether it is continued in forecasting demand and controlling inventory of products.


Dian reported that there were 5 types of products classified as A, namely pork belly skin on, pork belly skin off, pork leg boneless, pork neck and pork shoulder with a cost absorption of 71.43%. Then in Dian's research, demand forecasting was carried out using 2 time series methods, namely exponential smoothing and linear trend line models. She also reported that the best forecasting method for pork belly skin on, pork belly skin off, and pork shoulder products is the exponential smoothing method. While the types of boneless pork leg and pork neck products with the best forecasting method are the linear trend line model.