Chosen as FTP Representatives, Bagus Rama and Jegeg Tara are ready to compete in the Jegeg Bagus Udayana

The Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University (FTP Unud) has implemented the Selection of Jegeg Bagus for the Faculty of Agricultural Technology. The activity was held on 3rd -4th  August 2022 at the JA Building, FTP Campus, Bukit Jimbaran. The selection of Jegeg Bagus FTP Unud was held to select representatives of FTP Unud who would compete in the Jegeg Bagus Udayana University.


After going through many stages of selection starting from Deep Interview, Talent Test, Essay Presentation and Motion Challenge and Q&A at the Grand Final, the top 3 Jegeg Bagus FTP Unud were selected. Bagus for FTP Unud 2022 was selected, namely Kadek Ramana Sathya Pavana Wijaya from the Food Technology Study Program and Jegeg FTP Unud 2022 was selected, namely Regina Tara Kesuma from the Agroindustrial Technology Study Program. While the Runner Up 1 Bagus FTP Unud 2022 is I Nyoman Teguh Yudha Kusuma from the Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering Study Program and Runner Up 1 Jegeg FTP Unud 2022 is Ni Wayan Intan Purnama Sari from the Food Technology Study Program. For Runner Up 2 Bagus FTP Unud 2022 won by I Gede Made Satya from Agroindustrial Technology Study Program and Category Jegeg Runner Up 2 FTP Unud 2022 won by Ni Luh Gede Enjelina Ayu Maheswari from Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Study Program.


The judges for this activity are Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Sucipta, M.P., Dr. Dewa Ayu Anom Yuarini, S.TP., M.Agb., I Gede Arie Mahendra Putra, S.TP., M.TP., I Putu Yosan Budana and I Made Bagus Wisesa Yogiswara. One of the representatives of the judges Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Sucipta, M.P. congratulated all the finalists who were chosen to represent FTP at the University event or who had not had the opportunity to represent FTP, he also encouraged all finalists to make the opportunity for the Jegeg Bagus FTP Unud election competition an experience that could be used as an experience to develop themselves so that they dared to leave the Comfort Zone and he also hoped that Jegeg Bagus FTP Unud could become a Futuristic Jegeg Bagus in the future, namely the Jegeg Bagus Icon which could be used as an example for other events.