Collaboration Between All of Study Programs and BEM, FTP Unud Held "BISMA" to Provide Solutions to the Community of Nyambu Tabanan Village

Student Scientific Service is a program of the Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology which was held on Saturday, 27th May 2022 at Wantilan, Mundeh Traditional Village, Nyambu Village, Kediri District, Tabanan. This activity is a collaboration of students and lecturers of all study programs within the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, namely the Food Technology Study Program, the Agroindustrial Technology Study Program and the Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering Study Program.


This activity was opened by the Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Information, Mrs. Dr. Ir. Komang Ayu Nocianitri, M.Agr.Sc. The activities carried out were Planting Trees and Lemongrass and Presentation of each group from FTP Unud students with topics related to developing potential in the village and providing solutions to existing problems. Various ideas were given by FTP students, such as "Tea Rai" Lemongrass Tea Processing, Production Process of Jelly Candy Making, "Bhima Sena", Luluh Satay Processing, Elevator Plastic Chop Machine, and Sorting Machines, Making Lemon Grass Herbal Tea and Organic Waste Chopper.


Some of the ideas given are expected to develop the potential of the Mundeh Traditional Village, Nyambu Village, Tabanan. The Head of the Student Executive Board, Gian Akbar, hopes that through this activity, students are expected to play a more active role in community service activities and through this activity it is hoped that they will be able to have a positive impact on the community and answer all the problems they face. He also hopes that through this activity, tourism-supporting industrial products can be formed and produced which are the characteristics of the Mundeh Traditional Village, Nyambu Village.