Collaboration with PUI PT UGM, 4 Unud Food Technology Students Develop Probiotic Cheese Products

Through the Independent Campus Competition Program won by the Food Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University, MBKM Research (Student Research) has been carried out by four students of the 2020 Food Technology Study Program.


This program was carried out at PUI PT (Center for Excellence in Science and Technology Higher Education Research and Application of Integrated Probiotics) Probiotics, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, which was directly accompanied and guided by Prof. Dr. Ir. Endang Sutriswati Rahayu, M.S as Chair of PUI PT UGM. Students of the Food Technology Study Program of FTP Unud who had the opportunity to take part in this program included Made Justin Satria Wira Buana, Made Ayu Shintya Dewi, Grace Priciliadela Saragih, and Kadek Ratih Paramita Wulandari who were students under the guidance of Dr. Ir. Komang Ayu Nocianitri, M. Agr, Sc.


The four students had the opportunity to develop probiotic products. The activities undertaken during the student research program are research, identifying probiotic candidate bacteria, analyzing the potential and functionality of probiotics, analyzing the potential of microbes in the intestine, developing probiotic cream cheese and cheddar cheese products, developing probiotic fermented milk drinks, conducting data analysis using R-studio, and testing the benefits of probiotics for health. In addition, the four students who passed the Student Research program also received benefits, namely the conversion of 20 credits so that they could immediately focus on the Final Project Session.


One of the student representatives who is familiarly called Justin said that the message and impression while participating in this program is that the MBKM Research (Student Research) PPKM Food Technology Study Program is an extraordinary opportunity to establish cooperation between study programs. In addition, through this program I can also exchange information, especially in conducting research, build relationships, and can provide new innovations in the research carried out. He also said that he was proud to have the opportunity to participate in this program, according to him this program was very helpful in improving his research skills, especially researching the development of probiotic products, he said.