Creative! Food Technology Study Program Students Present the Results of Plant Based and Gluten Free Food Innovations in the Creative Product Manufacturing Program
The Food Technology Study
Program Student Association, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana
University has held a Presentation of the Creative Product Making Program on
Sunday, October 30th , 2022 in the Theater Room, GA FTP Building,
Unud Bukit Jimbaran. This activity was attended by all students of the Class of
2022. This activity was attended and opened by the Coordinator of the Food
Technology Study Program who was represented by Mrs. Ni Luh Ari Yusasrini,
S.TP., M.P.
Creative Product Making
Activities (P3K) is one of the mandatory programs of the Food Technology Study
Program Student Association, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana
University which is a series of Festival Of Food Technology (FESFOOD)
Activities. In this P3K Presentation, the students of the Food Technology Study
Program Class of 2022 were grouped into 9 groups and brought 9 Plant Based and
Gluten Free Foods Innovation products including Gogumy (Goguma Soy, Purple
Sweet Potato Drink and Soy Milk); Jakota (fried snacks made from mushrooms,
cabbage and tofu); Decava (cassava round mixed with soy milk); Venut
(Vegetarian Nugget made from red bean); Draco (Dragon Cookies, Cookies from
dragon fruit with mocaf flour); Kyasaba Mochi (Mochi blended with cassava and
mocaf flour); Dimsum Si Arto (Dimsum made from breadfruit); Rotachi (Carota
Mochi, carrot-based mochi); and Totero Steak (an imitation steak made from
young jackfruit). All products produced are Plant Based Food and Gluten Free
products where all ingredients use local food ingredients and do not use wheat
flour in the manufacturing process. The judgess for this activity consisted of
Lecturers of the Food Technology Study Program, namely Mrs. Sayi Hatiningsih,
S.TP., M.Si; Putu Julyantika Nica Dewi, S.TP., M.TP., and I Gede Arie Mahendra
Putra, S.TP., M.TP.
Ida Bagus Gede Mahatma
Nanda as Chair of the Food Technology Study Program Association said that the
purpose of this activity was to present and get input from the judges regarding
plant based and gluten free processed products that were innovated by students
which will be displayed on November 6th s at the expo. In addition,
Mrs. Ni Luh Ari Yusasrini, S.TP., M.P. as the representative of the Study
Program Coordinator also added that she hopes that the first aid innovation
products produced can provide the best results and that these products can
continue to the PKM, PMW or business levels that are applied and the products
produced not only have economic value but have added value, not only overcome
the taste hungry but has a plus that is functional value, she said.