DPM FTP Unud in collaboration with UKM Udayana Science Club held a Socialization on the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence (PPKS).
FTP Unud together with UKM Udayana Science Club (USC) held socialization
activities on the Prevention and Handling of Sexual Violence (PPKS) and
Commemoration of Human Rights Day. This activity was held to inform the
mechanism for reporting and handling sexual violence within Udayana University
by the Udayana University PPKS Task Force (Satgas PPKS), as well as to commemorate
World Human Rights Day which falls on December 10th , 2022. This
activity was carried out on Sunday, December 11th , 2022 , from
15.00 – 19.00, in the courtyard of the GA FTP Campus, Bukit Jimbaran.
FTP Unud invited institutions within the Faculty of Agricultural Technology as
well as all FTP students to attend this activity. The invitees who attended
consisted of accompanying lecturers for the activity Sayi Hatiningsih, S. TP.,
M. Si, 3 speakers from the PPKS Task Force, discussion moderators and event
MCs. Participants who attended consisted of students from the Faculty of
Agricultural Technology, students from USC UKM members and a student from
Ganesha University of Education who were interested in taking part in this
activity after learning information about activities via Instagram posts on DPM
FTP Unud.
main agenda carried out in this activity was the presentation of material and
information related to the mechanism for reporting and handling sexual violence
at Udayana University by the Udayana University PPKS Task Force, represented by
Bianca as the speaker and two of her colleagues, Rahmat and Maritia. After the
presentation of the material, a question and answer discussion and case studies
were carried out. After the socialization was over, the event continued with
the agenda of watching a movie together entitled Consortium 101. Apart from
that, at the activity location there were also book stalls and angkringan to
entertain the participants who attended.
violence needs to be prevented because everyone has the potential to become a
victim anywhere, anyone and anytime. Cases that occur frequently are often
covered up either because the perpetrators have power or position, so this becomes
an urgency. Prevention of sexual violence is regulated in many state-level
regulations and specifically in the educational environment, Udayan University
itself has PPKS Regulations and Guidelines that regulate matters related to the
prevention and control of sexual violence. The flow of case reporting includes:
incoming reports, report identification, examination of the reported,
conclusions and recommendations, and the chancellor's decision. The PPKS Task
Force can also guarantee identity confidentiality, protection from threats,
counseling assistance, continuing education safely and comfortably, and
guaranteeing non-recurrence.