Exploration of Cooperation between FTP Unud and FTP UGM

A lecturer at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP) at Udayana University carried out an assessment of cooperation with the Faculty of Agricultural Technology (FTP) at Gadjah Mada University (UGM).


Also attending from FTP UNUD was Deputy Dean for Academic and Planning Affairs Dr. Sumiyati, S.TP., MP. Along with 8 of his staff and received by the UGM FTP leadership, namely the UGM FTP Dean, Prof. Dr. Ir. Eni Harmayani, M.Sc., Deputy Dean for Academic and Student Affairs Prof. Dr. Yudi Pranoto, S.T.P., MP., Deputy Dean for Research, Community Service, Cooperation and Alumni Dr. Sri Rahayoe, S.T.P., M.P., Head of the TPHP Department Prof. Dr. Ir. Tyas Utami, M.Sc., Head of the TPB Department Prof. Dr. Ir. Lilik Soetiarso, M.Eng., Head of the TIP Department Dr. Ir. Didik Purwadi, M.Ec.


This activity was carried out on Monday, 12th  December 2022 in the UGM FTP meeting room, 09.00 - 12.00 WIB. This meeting discussed the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi cooperation, namely Education, Research, and Community Service which would be established between FTP Unud and FTP UGM. In addition, on this occasion the FTP Unud and FTP UGM shared about the learning process, facilities to support students who excel in both academic and non-academic fields, classroom and laboratory facilities, as well as other facilities that support the implementation of the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi.


It is hoped that in the future FTP Unud and FTP UGM can collaborate well, especially in Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi activities.