Food Technology Students Turn "Waste into Blessings", Innovate Jackfruit Seeds in Efforts to Overcome Food Waste in Indonesia

Food Technology students turn waste into blessings by innovating Jackfruit seeds to become nuggets in an effort to deal with food waste as was done by Adi Cahyadi and several other members, namely Eriano Septiadi, Ni Komang Sintia Dewi, Nyoman Narisadewi Sujata and Ida Ayu Agung Andina Niti Saraswati Manuaba under guidance from a Lecturer in the Food Technology Study Program, namely Anak Agung Istri Sri Wiadnyani, S.TP., M.Sc. This idea is one of the creativity of the Food Technology Study Program students who have received funding from the Udayana University Entrepreneurial Student Program.


Departing from the problem of "food waste" and the high content of carbohydrates and fiber in jackfruit seeds, this group of students made an innovation called Nubika "Jackfruit seed nuggets in producing a product that is useful and has market opportunities. In addition to utilizing jackfruit seeds, the soybean flour mixture also adds protein content, so that indirectly from making this product it can help Indonesian farmers develop local food potential.


Adi Cahyadi as the head of the group explained that by using jackfruit seeds as a basic ingredient with the substitution of soy flour and other spices, this product is rich in nutrients that are safe for the body and has a taste that suits the tongue of the public. "This product comes with 2 variants, namely salty and sweet which are packaged in frozen food which has a shelf life of approximately 1 week so that NUBIKA can be reached by everyone," he said.