Food Technology Students Win Winners at the 2023 Business Elaboration Corner

Students from the Food Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University, succeeded in winning the Business Elaboration Corner which was held from 1 October – 5 November 2023, which was held by the Udayana University Student Executive Board.


Students from the Food Technology Study Program were able to win 2 trophies in this activity. The team that was able to win first place consisted of Gede Agung Artha Deva Jayadhi Narayana, I Gusti Ayu Adindari Suarasmara and Kadek Ramana Sathya Pavana Wijaya Class of 2021 who were mentored by Mrs. Sayi Hatiningsih, S.TP., M.Sc. and Second Place was won by a team consisting of Putu Trisna Maharani and Eka Rotamariska Siagian, who are the Class of 2023, who are guided by Mrs. Putu Julyantika Nica Dewi, S.TP., M.TP.


This achievement adds to the academic achievements of students at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, especially the Food Technology Study Program. One of the student representatives, I Gusti Ayu Adindari Suarasmara, said she was proud and would continue to develop and progress to improve academic achievements. She also said that he would take part in other competitions so that more achievements could be achieved in the future.