FTP Holds Leadership Meeting and Signs Performance Contract

Tuesday, 26th April 2022, a Leadership Meeting was held and led directly by the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University (FTP Unud) Prof. Ir. I Made Anom Sutrisna Wijaya, M. App. Sc. Ph.D. This meeting was attended by all leaders in the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, such as the Deputy Deans of FTP Unud, All Coordinators of Study Programs in the FTP Unud such as Coordinator of the Food Technology Study Program, the Coordinator of the Industrial Agricultural Technology Study Program, the Coordinator of the Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering Study Program and the Coordinator of the Food Technology Masters Study Program,, UP3M Coordinator, UP2M Coordinator, and UPIKS Coordinator and Coordinator of Sub Administration of FTP Unud.

The meeting was held to discuss information related to the University Leadership Meeting, Finalization of RKA TA 2023, Evaluation of activities in each Study Program and Unit as well as the signing of Performance Contracts between the Dean of FTP Unud and each Study Program Coordinator in FTP Unud.

Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology Prof. Ir. I Made Anom Sutrisna Wijaya, M. App. Sc. Ph.D. Through this meeting, it is hoped that the vision, mission and goals between leaders in FTP Unud will be aligned so that all activities that are expected in the future can run smoothly in order to improve the quality and advance FTP Unud.