FTP Seriously Develops Maggot BSF Derivative Products, Collaborates With Start Up Company PT Bala Biotech Indonesia
The Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University is serious about developing maggot Black Soldier Fly derivative products and signed a research collaboration agreement with the Start Up Company PT. Bala Biotech Indonesia.
PT. Bala Biotech Indonesia is a start-up company that is oriented towards environmentally friendly technology waste treatment services by applying the 3R principles, namely: Reduction, Recycle, and Reuse. So that the waste has economic value and can be reused.
The signing of the research collaboration agreement was carried out on Wednesday, 6th April 2022. Previously, research collaborations had been carried out between Food Technology Master Program students, namely I Gusti Ayu Krisma Widya Saraswati and I Gede Arie Mahendra Putra under the guidance of Dr. Ir. Luh Putu Wrasiati, MP. The resulting research collaboration is producing chips from Maggot Black Soldier Fly flour which are bred directly by the Start Up Company PT. Bala Biotech Indonesia. Chips produced with the addition of maggot black soldier fly flour as much as 20% are included in the category of extrudate snacks, the results of the study obtained chemical characteristics, namely Protein 19.45%; carbohydrates 47.80%; fat 22.56%; ash 8.35% and Total Microbes that are in accordance with the Indonesian National Standard (SNI 01-2886-2000) regarding Extrudate Snacks.
Through this collaboration, Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Prof. Ir. I Made Anom Sutrisna Wijaya, M.App.Sc., Ph.D., with the CEO and Founder of the Start Up Company PT. Bala Biotech Indonesia I Kadek Alamsta Suarjuniarta agreed to carry out a Research Collaboration and hoped that through this Research Collaboration activity they could develop research in the field of Product Development so that in the future they can develop innovative products made from Maggot Black Soldier Fly.