Held a Guest Lecture with the Theme “Functional Food Trends in the Future Supporting SDGs”, Food Technology Study Program Invites Kalbe Farma Practitioners

Food Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University held a Functional Food Guest Lecture with the theme "Functional Food Trends in the Future Supporting SDGs". The guest lecture was held on Monday, June 20th , 2022 in a Hybrid manner in the Theater Room, 2nd  Floor, GA Building, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Bukit Jimbaran.


The guest lectures invited practitioners from PT. Sanghiang Perkasa (Kalbe Farma Group), namely Mrs. Ir. Yunawati Gandasasmita, M.Sc who was moderated by the Lecturer of the Food Technology Study Program, Mrs. Dr. Ni Wayan Wisaniyasa, S.TP., M.P. This activity was attended and opened by the Coordinator of the Food Technology Study Program, Mrs. Dr. Gusti Ayu Kadek Diah Puspawati, S.TP., M.Sc., in her speech the Coordinator of the Food Technology Study Program said that this activity was carried out to improve the quality of education and the achievement of Key Performance Indicators, as well as to provide views from a practitioner's point of view to all students, besides that it was also attended by the Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Information, namely Mrs. Dr. Ir. Komang Ayu Nocianitri, M.Agr.Sc., All Lecturers in the Food Technology Study Program and Students.


Mrs. Ir. Yunawati Gandasasmita, M.Sc explained in her presentation of material related to functional food trends that can support the SDGs (Suistainable Development Goals) and invited all students and participants to make healthy food products that have health benefits, lately there are more functional food trends that based on plants (Plant Based) such as the development of plant based milk, she said. In addition, she also invited to make more use of local potentials such as local tubers such as arrowroot, porang tubers, sweet potatoes, cassava, sago which can be used as functional foods, for example porang tubers which can be used as shirataki noodles, shirataki rice and other products and etc, because it has low calories, low glycemic index and high dietary fiber and is good for health.