Held Ecotourism Nature Tour Guide Training, Badung Regency Tourism Office Invites FTP Unud Lecturers to be Resource Persons
The Badung Regency Government
Tourism Office held training for ecotourism natural tour guides in order to
improve the quality of Human Resources in the tourism sector. The activity has
been carried out at the Bagus Agro Hotel, Pelaga Village, Petang District,
27-29 September 2022. In this activity the resource person is a lecturer at the
Faculty of Agricultural Technology, namely Prof. Dr. Ir. Ketut Satriawan, M.T.
brought material Planning, preparing and Implementing Ecotourism Guidance and
Mrs. Dr.Sumiyati, S.TP., M.P. brought material for the implementation of
tourism activities that minimize negative impacts on the environment and social
Activities carried out by the
Badung Regency Tourism Office through the Non-Physical Special Allocation Fund
(DAK) for the 2022 Tourism Service Fund from the Ministry of Tourism and
Creative Economy, which is a Sub-Activity of Increasing Community Participation
in Tourism Partnership Development,with several resource persons from other
universities such as Triatma Mulya University and Bali State Polytechnic.
One of the resource persons, Mrs.
Dr. Sumiyati, S.TP., M.P. hope that this activity can help improve the quality
of human resources in the tourism sector, especially in the Badung district. She
also hopes that in the future collaborations between the Badung Regency Tourism
Office and the Faculty of Agricultural Technology will continue not only in the
field of education such as this training, but also collaboration in the field
of research and community service.