In Order To Build A Sense Of Pride In Being An Agroindustry Student, HIMATETRI Holds BIOMA
The Agricultural
Industrial Technology Study Program Student Association (HIMATETRI) created an
event that could make the event to introduce and bring the Agricultural
Industrial Technology Study Program closer to new students, not only discussing
the academic field but also building creativity and a sense of solidarity
within the Study Program environment and changing attitudes. who used to be
students become full-fledged students. The series of BIOMA activities started from
BIOMA Socialization on 27th August 2022, MELEKAT BIOMA on 18th
September 2022 which was held at the JA
FTP Unud Building, First and Second Days of BIOMA on 5-6th November 2022 at the Widya Sabha Mandala
The work program that can
implement these goals is Student Orientation Development or more often called
BIOMA. The goal to be appointed is to build a sense of pride to be an
Agroindustry Student with a passion for a bright future. In this activity, you
will be introduced to several things related to campus life such as
laboratories, student associations, plus several assignments such as making PMW
(Entrepreneurial Student Proposals), and also training the creativity of new
students by presenting art performances. Besides that, it will also introduce
Agroindustry further, namely regarding the future of Agroindustry graduates
through talk shows from speakers, so it is hoped that every new student will
know more deeply about Agricultural Industrial Technology.
I Kadek Aditya Arimbawa
as Chair of HIMATETRI said that besides BIOMA (Student Orientation Development)
is also a vehicle for initial introductions between students so that they can
further strengthen ties of brotherhood and solidarity between others which is
the beginning of awareness as an academic person who has social responsibility
as stated in the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi.