Increasing PKM Productivity in Food Technology Study Program, HIMATEPA Hosts Students and Holds SEFOLOGY
In order to increase the
productivity of the Student Creativity Program (PKM) of the Food Technology
Study Program Student Association (HIMATEPA) accommodate students of the Food
Technology Study program by holding SEFOLOGY. SEFOLOGY (Scientific Event of
Food Technology) is an activity that focuses on making proposals in the form of
a Student Creativity Program (PKM) which aims to introduce students to
scientific work, especially PKM so that students in the Food Technology Study
Program at Udayana University can develop and improve soft skills, especially
in the field of writing scientific. The SEFOLOGY event is also intended to
accommodate student creativity in terms of creating a Student Creativity
Program (PKM) so that it is hoped that the productivity of PKM in the Food
Technology Study Program can increase. The theme for this year's activities is
to Synergize to Evaluate and Revive Student Creativity in Making INSPIRATIVE
PKM (Intuitive, Positive, Rational, Crisis, and Innovative) in Welcoming the
Era of Society 5.0.
In general, SEFOLOGY
activities will be divided into 2 series of activities, namely Day-1 and Day-2.
Day-1 activities were filled with debriefing for the participants which focused
on providing introductory knowledge to the participants before making PKM. In
this Day-1 activity the participants were given material and experiences by the
resource persons which were packaged in the form of a talk show. The resource
persons presented on Day-1 were Mrs. Dr. Ir. Komang Ayu Nocanitri, M.Agr.Sc.,
who explained about the Student Creativity Program, but also presented 2 other speakers,
namely Luh Putu Widya Amritha Dewi who shared experiences in writing PKM-K and
I Gusti Ayu Adindari Suarasmara who provided experiences related to writing
PKM-Re, apart from that they also provided experiences in the process of making
the PKM such as experiences during competitions, problem solving, group
determination, and data determination. Meanwhile Day-2 activities will focus on
group presentations from the best proposal group.
Justin Satria as chairman
of HIMATEPA hopes that through this activity, participants can channel their
interests in the field of scientific writing, especially PKM and he also hopes
that from this activity the productivity of PKM in the Food Technology Study
Program can increase and the resulting PKM can qualify and be funded. can pass
to PIMNAS, he said.