Innovating Corn and Tenggiri Fish into Instant Baby Porridge, Faculty of Agricultural Technology Student Team Won Bronze Medal and Favorite Poster
The team of Udayana University, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, which is a combination of students from the Food Technology Study Program and the Agroindustrial Technology Study Program, won Bronze Medal and Favorite Poster in the Food Essay Presentation category at the Mandalika Essay Competition (MEC) 4 organized by the Nusantara Muda Institute and Nahdlatul Wathan University Mataram. This activity was held March 2-4, 2023 at Nahdlatul Wathan University Mataram.
Under the guidance of Lecturer from Food Technology Department, Mrs. I Desak Putu Kartika Pratiwi, S.TP., M.P. The team consisting of Jesika Margaretha br Ginting, Alexandra Chesia Dayu Sambuaga, Kania Tabitha Girsang, Christopel Natanael Purba who is a student of the Food Technology Department, Class of 2022 and I Gede Satria Ananta Pratama who is a student of the Agricultural Industrial Technology Department, Class of 2022 was able to win Bronze Medal and Favorite Poster in the Food Essay Presentation category and with the idea, Poimorie: Instant Baby Porridge Made from Corn and Tenggiri Fish as a Repressive Solution to Stunting and Poverty in Papua in an Effort to Realize Golden Indonesia 2045 and beat other competitors.
Jesika Margaretha br Ginting who is familiarly called Jesika is one of the representatives of the Team who competed, She would like to thank all the guidance and support from various parties, especially the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University, she hopes that in the future there will be more achievements in the academic field to increase the medal acquisition of students of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University both in national and international events, she said.