Introducing FTP to a Wide Audience, BEM FTP Unud Holds FTP GOES TO SCHOOL

The Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University has held an FTP GTS activity or known as FTP Goes To School on 6th November 42022 at the Widya Sabha Auditorium, Udayana University, Bukit Jimbaran. This activity was attended and opened directly by  3rd  Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Dr. Ir. Komang Ayu Nocianitri, M.Agr.Sc, which was attended by high school/vocational/MA students from all over Bali.


The activity model of FTP Goes to School is to introduce the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University to a wide audience, especially high school/vocational/MA equivalent students who will continue their education to college. The output to be achieved is that the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University is better known and can be an option for further education for them in the future. The activity was carried out in a hybrid manner, namely online (Zoom Meeting) and offline at the Widya Sabha Auditorium.


In this activity, speakers from each Study Program and Alumni were also presented. Speakers from each study program were represented by students, namely Dewa Ayu Kade Yasya Priya Anandagita from the Food Technology Study Program, Zulfa Hana Maulida from the Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering Study Program and Marchela Millennia Rindany from the Agroindustrial Technology Study Program who explained and explained experiences and information related to their respective Study Programs, as well as other speakers from Alumni namely I Putu Restu Wiana, S.TP. who is the director of PT. Rajaboga Jaya Nusantara which is a producer and distributor of frozen meat specifically for pork and PT. Raja Trans Nusantara which is a refrigerated food logistics transportation service that shares its experience as an alumni and is one of the examples of alumni who are successful in entrepreneurship from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University.


The chief executive of the Kadek Ramana activity, Sathya Pavana Wijaya, said he hoped that by holding this GTS activity, the Faculty of Agricultural Technology could be better known to SMA/SMK/MA children who would continue their education to the college level, and also with this activities hoped all the student knows about study program in the FTP environment and job prospects for FTP graduates, so that it can be an option for high school/vocational/MA students who will continue their education to higher education.