Lecturer from Faculty of Agricultural Technology Udayana University Develop Vinegar from Pulp Liquid from Cocoa Processing in Akah Village, West Selemadeg District, Tabanan Regency

Tabanan Regency is one of the centers of cocoa plantation commodities in Bali. According to data from the Bali Plantation Service, up to 2012 cocoa bean production was recorded at 1,397.12 tons. One of those who have carried out the production process of cocoa plantations is Subak Abian Buana Bloom, which is located in Akah Village, West Selemadeg District, Tabanan Regency.

Subak Abian Buana Mekar developed a Post-harvest Productive Business Unit (UUP) which has been running a production business. Most of the products produced have met the quality requirements of dry cocoa beans, so that they can be absorbed by the market at an adequate price. In addition, during fermentation, waste by-products in the form of pulp liquid are produced which are simply thrown away, even though the disposal of the pulp can also have a negative impact on the processing site and pollute the soil in the surrounding environment.

Professor of FTP-Unud, Prof. Dr. Ir. G.P. Ganda Putra, M.P. along with the team of Dr. Ir. Ni Made Wartini, M.P. and I Wayan Gede Sedana Yoga, S.TP., M.Agb. developing vinegar from the by-product of cocoa pulp liquid as a solution to this problem.

Picture :Cocoa Vinegar Packaging Design

The problem-solving methods include engineering cocoa fermentation containers, simple value chain analysis, making administrative tools to the production and packaging process of cocoa vinegar products.

Picture : Cocoa Vinegar Products at Tabanan Eco-Friendly Agricultural Products Exhibition Stand

Ganda Putra as Professor at FTP Unud explained that pulp liquid as a by-product contains organic acids such as acetic acid and lactic acid. He also said that one way to introduce or promote products can be done by participating in local scale exhibitions and also being marketed to traditional markets.