Lecturer of Agroindustrial Technology Study Program Becomes Resource Person in FGD Event organized by LPPM Unud

Lecturer of the Agroindustrial Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University Mr. Ir. Ida Bagus Wayan Gunam, M.P., Ph.D. was chosen to be a resource person at an event organized by the Research and Community Service Institute of Udayana University (LPPM Unud), namely the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) activity on Research Guidelines and Community Service at Udayana University Edition VIII 2022 at Sthala, Tribute Portfolio Hotel, Ubud, Bali, Friday (21/10/2022).


This FGD activity was attended by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, the Chair and Secretary of the Unud LPPM, the Head of the LPPM ISI Denpasar, the Chair of the Warmadewa University LPPM, the Bali Provincial Government Bappeda Representative, the Deans, the Deputy Director I of Postgraduate, the Coordins of Study Programs and UP2M in Unud. The FGD was officially opened by the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, MP.


Lecturer of Agroindustrial Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University Ir. Ida Bagus Wayan Gunam, MP, Ph.D., who is the Head of the Guide Drafting Team, delivered the material: "Draft Guidelines for Research and Community Service at Udayana University, Edition VIII 2022". In addition, this activity also presented a resource person, Prof. Dr. Ir. M. Faiz Syuaib, M.Agr., Director of Research, Technology, Community Service, DRTPM, Ministry of Education and Research and Technology, delivered material on "Transformation of Business Processes and Program Governance and Performance of DRTPM".


Prof. Dr. dr. I Nyoman Suarsana, MSi., as the head of LPPM in his report said that there were several changes to the latest edition of the Research and Community Service Guide, including the use of Turnitin, SINTA Score and adding several new grants in 2022. In addition, the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Unud, Prof. . Dr. Ir. I Gede Rai Maya Temaja, MP., conveyed in his speech and direction how important the FGDs were to get various inputs to improve the quality of research management and community service at Udayana University. manage research and service at Unud.