Lecturer of the TIP FTP Unud Study Program has succeeded in researching wine and commercializing it, Alter Ego Coffee Arak is used to enliven Arak Day Celebrations in Klungkung Regency
the Covid 19 Pandemic, the number of tourist visits to Bali decreased
drastically. Several tourism industry and creative economy players in Bali
initiated an organization that offers a unique mindset, namely "if usually
foreign tourists come to visit Bali, now Bali through its creative economic
products will visit these tourists in their respective countries". The
organization is named BITHUB (Bali Initiative Hub) driven by IB Agung
Gunarthawa (Samsara Living Museum) and Made Artana (Founder of STIMIK
Primakara) where researchers are also members of BITHUB. In 2020 Pande Putu
Wiyoga, Co-Founder of Papila's Coffee House, a Coffee Shop in Klungkung Regency
saw an opportunity that arak could be developed into a product that has a
higher added value. A unique statement issued by the Governor of Bali, Mr.
Wayan Koster, namely drinking arak with coffee, strengthens an idea for
developing coffee arrack products.
a long discussion, researchers consisting of Cokorda Anom Bayu Sadyasmara,
S.TP., M.Sc and Prof. Dr. Ir. I Ketut Satriawan, M.T. who is a Lecturer in the Agroindustrial
Technology Study Program with Wiyoga found a common vision for this coffee
arrack to be marketed overseas. Arak Karangasem (Sidemen) which is distilled
from Coconut Nira is then combined with Kintamani Coffee. It is hoped that the
unification of the two local Balinese values ??will provide a new alternative
for alcoholic beverages on the market. A thorough product development plan must
be carried out. The researcher then submitted a research proposal for the
Udayana Startup Company Candidate (CPPU) scheme, which was eventually funded by
the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University in 2022. This
research area is a market research process to test products on the market and
arrange permits for branded coffee arrack. the Alter Ego brand can be traded
on the results of the Consumer Perception Analysis using the Importance
Performance Analysis Method which was carried out in several tourist
attractions in Badung Regency, it is known that 94.32% are satisfied with Arak
Kopi Alter Ego, although there are still some inputs to further improve this
product. Respondents involved were as many as 200 people where 40% of them were
foreign tourists. Product licensing is still in the process of completing
administrative documents because there are many things that must be fulfilled
in accordance with Governor Regulation No. 1 of 2020 concerning Management of
Balinese Fermented and or Distilled Beverages.
January 29th , 2023, which was designated by the Governor of Bali as
Bali Arak Day, Arak Kopi Alter Ego also enlivened the event in Klungkung
Regency, to be precise at Dian's Garden. Putu Agus Aksara Diantika, who is the
Chairperson of the Klungkung HIPMI who is also the Owner of Dian's songket, is
the person who facilitated so that Arak Kopi Alter Ego can participate in the
event Commemorating Bali Arak Day which was attended by the Regent, Chairperson
of the DPRD and Klungkung Regency regional apparatus.