PPK ORMAWA Team of TPB FTP Study Program Unud Designs a Digital Marketing System for Processed Mangosteen Products at Gunung Sari SMEs, Jelijih Village, Pupuan District, Tabanan Regency

The Student Organization Capacity Building Program Team (PPK ORMAWA) Student Association Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering Study Program Faculty of Agricultural Technology Udayana University (TPB FTP Unud Study Program) consisting of 10 students namely Ida Ayu Kusuma Tri Handayani, Ni Kadek Tia Putri Ana, I Gusti Ayu Evi Sukma Elvayani, Taruli Lasmaria Simanjuntak Nelson Titoes Atetamia Pinem, Erwin Takanpromise, Ni Wayan Putri Wijayaningsih, M. Ashaqqul Fikri, Ni Nyoman Suci Lestari and I Made Candra Adhi Pramana who are students of the Class of 2020 with the topic of Healthy Village designing Packaging Improvement activities, Labeling, and Digital Marketing System of Processed Mangosteen Products of UKM Gunung Sari, Jelijih Village, Pupuan District, Tabanan Regency. This activity was accompanied by Lecturer of Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering Study Program, namely Mr. Ir. I Wayan Tika, MP.


The Packaging, Labeling, and Digital Marketing System Improvement Activities for Processed Mangosteen Products of UKM Gunung Sari, Jelijih Village, Pupuan District, Tabanan Regency are ongoing and it is planned that several stages of activities will be carried out, namely surveys, procurement of packaging raw materials, counseling, system manufacturing processes, labeling, packaging and assistance, marketing of finished goods, making videos as well as monitoring and evaluating. These activities and topics were raised by students who are members of the ORMAWA PPK TEAM because of the packaging of processed mangosteen fruit produced by UD. Gunung Sari and Tunas Sari are still lagging behind, seen from the development of processed packaging today, the label design used has not been able to attract consumer appeal and promotions are still limited and have not used Digital Marketing (e-commers).


Ida Ayu Kusuma Tri Handayani as the group leader reported that the purpose of this topic was to provide information and knowledge about packaging and labeling on Mangosteen syrup packaging, in Jelijih Village, Pupuan District, Tabanan Regency, Bali as well as digital marketing. She also hopes that this activity can be useful, especially to increase knowledge and experience about packaging and labeling of Mangosteen Syrup. This knowledge is useful as an effort to evaluate the production of mangosteen syrup in Jelijih Village, Pupuan District, Tabanan Regency, Bali. And it is hoped that this program can also increase the number of mangosteen syrup production in Jelijih Village and also the existence of this program can develop partner SMEs so that they can compete with others.