The Faculty of Agricultural Technology held a Pre-Bisma (Student Social Scientific Service) on Sunday, 8th May 2022 in the Meeting Room of the Agrocomplex Building, Udayana University. This activity was opened directly by the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Prof. Ir. I Made Anom Sutrisna Wijaya, M.App.Sc., pH.D., and attended by Deputy Dean III Dr. Ir. Komang Ayu Nocianitri, M.Agr.Sc. In addition, this activity was also attended by resource persons, namely Poppy Wulandari from the Faculty of Economics and Business and the Nyambu Village repairman, Mr. Wayan Biasa.


This Pre-Bisma activity contains a briefing on the importance of service by Poppy Wulandari from the Faculty of Economics and Business and an explanation of the profile of Nyambu Village by the Head of Nyambu Village Headquarters, Mr. Wayan Biasa. In addition, this activity also aims to exchange ideas and explore any problems that exist in Nyambu Village, Tabanan so that the Bisma activities carried out can provide solutions and answer all problems faced by the people of Nyambu Village, Tabanan.


Mr. Wayan Biasa as the head of the Nyambu Village Headquarters reported that in outline the problems faced due to the covid pandemic, namely a decrease in tourists coming to Nyambu Village so that business actors, especially ecotourism, were diverted by the village government into waste processing, which is still a problem is that there is no final disposal site. from the waste that has been sorted, then for organic waste it has not been handled seriously so there is no further use. Related to product processing in Nyambu Village itself there are several potentials including Luluh Sate SMEs, Eel Chips SMEs and typical drinks that are usually served to guests, namely tea lemongrass but has not been developed further.


Perbekel Desa Nyambu Mr. Wayan Biasa hopes that through the BISMA activities that will be carried out, they can provide solutions and answers to these problems so that later through this activity the community can be helped to solve these problems. This was welcomed positively by the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Prof. Ir. I Made Anom Sutrisna Wijaya, M.App.Sc., pH.D., who said that this activity will definitely help provide solutions to the problems faced so that in the future there will be no more problems faced.