Proudly, Unud FTP Student Wiwin Pradnya Dewi Wins a Gold Medal in the X International Championship Shield Competition for the President's Cup of the Republic of Indonesia

A student of the Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Unud, Luh Wiwin Pradnya Dewi, has made another achievement. After winning a silver medal in the National Open Tournament Pencak Silat Championship Banyuwangi and a Gold medal in the Regional Championship of Indonesian National Training Team Shield Bali 2022 in the Women's Free Arms Team Technique Tidiness Category. This time, Luh Wiwin Pradnya Dewi again made an achievement by winning a gold medal in the category of neatness in the team-free weapon technique at the X International Self Shield Championship to win the trophy for the President of the Republic of Indonesia.


This championship is an internal self-defense championship which is participated by 25 provinces and 10 foreign commissariats, namely Timor Leste, Australia, Netherlands, Japan, Switzerland, England, United States of America, Germany, France and Brunei Darussalam. This championship will be held at GOR Lila Bhuana Denpasar, July 1st -8th , 2022. The categories contested in this championship are Free Fight, Special Free Fight (Without Body Protection), Attack Avoidance and Technical Neatness.


Luh Wiwin Pradnya Dewi said this activity is one of the activities carried out to foster a sense of family and gain achievements to prepare for the Olympics. She also added that winning this category was indeed full of challenges, because it required neatness in teams. She said this would be a boost for her to be more excited to keep practicing. Wiwin will continue to prepare herself better so that in the future he will be able to compete at a higher level championship and be able to give her best and bring home a gold medal for Udayana University, especially the Faculty of Agricultural Technology.