Proudly, Unud FTP TIP Study Program Students Win the National Poster Competition “ENOTECH”
Two students of the Agroindustrial
Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana
University (TIP FTP UNUD) won 1st place the National Poster
Competition "ENOTECH" held by the State University of Jember. The
students are I Made Ananda Merta Shaskara Class of 2020 and Arif Maharesi
Mendrofa Class of 2021.
Both of them won the
National Poster competition “ENOTECH” by raising the title of the Poster,
namely Trickling Filter as a Processing Liquid Waste for the Bread Industry in
the Era of Society 5.0". The Trickling Filter tool can reduce the
pollution of the bakery industry liquid waste.
One of the student
representatives, I Made Ananda Merta Shaskara, explained that the Trickling
Filter can be used as a method for treating waste from the bakery industry. He
also explained that bread contains many components of organic ingredients that
come from the raw materials used in the manufacturing process so that liquid
waste from the bread industry can affect the environment. the realization of a
sustainable industry.