Realization of Cooperation, FTP Unud and MNC Media Held Seminar on Digital Communication and Social Media Strategy

Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University in collaboration with PT. MNC Media Baru (MNC Media) organizes the implementation of Education and seminars-workshops goes to campus. The cooperation has been agreed in the Cooperation Agreement between FTP Unud and MNC Media which was signed by the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Prof. Ir. I Made Anom Sutrisna Wijaya, M.App.Sc.,Ph.D., with Dr. Prabu Revolusi, S.T., M.I.K as COO Buddyku PT. MNC New Media. This activity is carried out online through Zoom Meetings.


The activities that have been carried out are the Digital Communication and Social Media Strategy Seminar which was attended by students, lecturers and employees of FTP Unud along with general participants outside FTP Unud. The activity was carried out on Monday, August 15th , 2022 which presented the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Prof. Ir. I Made Anom Sutrisna Wijaya, M.App.Sc.,Ph.D., as keynote speech, Tommy Tjokro (Chief of Content Buddyku, News Anchor RCTI), Mrs. Delvy Sinambela (Head of Production Buddyku) who brought material with a digital theme journalism, format & creative treatments and Mr. Ilham Syahputra (Executive Producer Buddyku) who presented material with the theme of optimizing content through social media.


The activities carried out ran smoothly and students were very enthusiastic about the material presented by each resource person. Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology Prof. Ir. I Made Anom Sutrisna Wijaya, M.App.Sc.,Ph.D., said the activities carried out were very good as learning media for students to be able to sort and use social media properly and wisely in the current era of globalization. He also hopes that in the future other collaborative activities can be carried out between FTP Unud and PT. MNC Media Baru (MNC Media) in particular is in the Internship or Student PKL activities.