Series of 38th Anniversary and BK-28, FTP Unud Holds International Webinar and Presents Speakers from 5 Different Countries
The Faculty of
Agricultural Technology, Udayana University (FTP Unud) has held an
International Webinar with the theme "Shaping Climate Change Resilience
and Food Security through Scientific and Technological Advances in
Agriculture" on Saturday, July 16th, 2022 in Hybrid in the
Theater Room, GA Building, 2nd Floor, FTP Unud Bukit Jimbaran.
This activity was opened
directly by the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Prof. Ir. I
Made Anom Sutrisna Wijaya, M.App.Sc.Ph.D., and attended by all Lecturers of the
Faculty of Agricultural Technology and participants from all over the world. In
particular, this activity presents speakers from 5 countries with topics that
are very useful for the sustainability of today's Agricultural Technology which
are divided into 2 sessions.
The first session was
filled by Dr. Xiao Sun from the University of Minnesota, USA who brought the
topic Reconsidering solid-state bioprocessing to achieve sustainable bioeconomy
for food-fuel-feed, Dr. Ida Bagus Wayan Gunam from the Faculty of Agricultural
Technology, Udayana University who brought the topic Mild Alkali Pretreatment:
Enchance Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Lignocellulosic Biomass In Bioethanol
Production, lead by Dr. Bintang Madrini, lecturer of Agricultural Engineering
and Biosystems Study Program, FTP Unud as a moderator.
The second session of
this activity presented speakers, namely Dr. Parthana Parthanadee from
Kasetsart University, Thailand who brought the topic Shaping Climate Change
Resilience and Food Security through Scientific and Technological Advances in
Agriculture, Dr. Siti Khairunniza Bejo from Putra University Malaysia, Malaysia
who brought the topic Disease and Pest Detection in Oil Palm Using Image
Sensors, IoT and Artificial Intelligence and Dr. Hayriye Bozkurt from the
University of Adelaide, Australia who brought the topic Future of Food Safety.
Even though Dr. Hayriye Bozkurt was unable to give a live presentation due to
Covid-19 and is currently in isolation, but the material presented has been
prepared by the committee in the form of a video so that participants can still
receive the material. The activities in the second session were lead by Dr.
Agung Suryawan who is a lecturer in the Agroindustrial Technology Study
Program, FTP Unud as a moderator.
Dr. Nyoman Sulastri as
the chairman of the organizing committee said that this activity is a series of
activities for the 38th Anniversary and 28th BK of FTP Unud, she also hopes
that through this activity can establish communication between lecturers and
researchers in the field of Agricultural Technology around the world and
provide views related to issues and current topics and also solutions to
problems in the field of Agricultural Technology, especially those related to
climate change and food security.