Strengthening Families Bonding Between Study Programs, BEM FTP Unud Holds 2023 Porseni X Neosen

The Student Executive Board of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University is holding 2023 Porseni X Neosen which is the Institute's work program to strengthen family relations between Study Programs. The opening activity was held on Saturday, May 13th  2023 which was opened directly by the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology Prof. Ir. I Made Anom Sutrisna Wijaya, M.App.Sc., Ph.D., who was accompanied by 3rd Deputy Dean, Coordinator of the Agricultural Industrial Technology Study Program and Associate Lecturer. This activity begins with vocal and acoustic competitions and will last until June.


Porseni x Neosen 2023 activities have many series including Vocal and Acoustic Contest, 2023 FTP Jegeg Bagus Selection, Futsal Match, 3x3 Basketball Match, Agriculture E-Sport and Badminton. The activities that have been carried out are the Vocal and Acoustic Contest on Monday, May 13th , 2023 at the Widya Sabha Auditorium, Bukit Jimbaran which was attended by Associate Lecturers. The jury for the Vocal and Acoustic Competition was Mr. Cokorda Anom Bayu Sadyasmara, S.TP., M.Sc., I Gede Arie Mahendra Putra, S.TP., M.TP., and Putu Bunga Sari Widyani.


One of the representatives of the Jury in the Vocal and Acoustic competition, Mr. Cokorda Anom Bayu Sadyasmara, S.TP., M.Sc., hopes that the activities carried out can increase the kinship between Study Programs in the FTP Unud environment and can filter the potential of FTP Unud students in the field of sports and arts, he said.