Student Creativity Program, Industrial Agricultural Technology Faculty of Agricultural Technology Udayana University, Innovate Plants as Natural Colorants in Tunjuk Village Tabanan Regency, Bali
Students of Industrial Agricultural Technology Study Program (TIP) Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University (FTP Unud) through the Community Service Student Creativity Program (PKM-PM) Empowered Family Welfare Empowerment (PKK) in Tunjuk Village, Tabanan Regency in Using Plants As Natural Colorants in the Production of Snack Offerings Bali. The students involved were Manika Santhi, Ni Luh Made Dwi Melyanti Putri, Ni Made Riza Febriyani and Ni Nyoman Dian Luswiantini.
Manika Santi and colleagues reported that the selection of Tunjuk Village was because the Tunjuk village is one of the villages in Tabanan Regency, Bali which is a producer of Balinese Snack offerings. Most of the producers of Balinese Snack offerings in the village of Tunjuk still produce with the addition of synthetic food coloring in them. Following up on this, the team decided to work with PKK (Family Welfare Empowerment) women in Tunjuk Village with the best solution, namely to produce Balinese Snack offerings that are safe for health and without using chemicals in the form of synthetic colorants.
Picture : The used of natural colorant in Balinesse Snack Offerings Process (Personal Documentation)
The plants that are used
as natural colorants are by utilizing the surrounding natural resources, namely
suji leaf plants, telang flowers, gemitir flowers and bougainvillea flowers
which are easy to find and widely traded. Mrs. Dr. Ir. Luh Putu Wrasiati, M.P.
as a lecturer at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology as well as a PKM-PM
supervisor, explained that the use of suji leaf plants is used as a green
coloring agent because it contains chlorophyll, telang flower as a blue dye
because of the presence of anthocyanins, gemitir flowers as a yellow dye
because it contains carotenoid pigments and bougainvillea flowers as red dye
because it contains betalain compound.
The Student Creativity Program in the Community Service category is one of the PKM in FTP Unud which was funded and won in 2021. It is hoped that in the future through activities in the form of training and socialization carried out, namely an increase in the knowledge of PKK on the use of organic materials around them as natural dyes in making food offerings in Bali, so that the people in Tunjuk Village are able to produce natural food coloring products and high nutritional quality Balinese food offerings.