Students of Industrial Agricultural Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology Udayana University, use Moringa Leaves and Cocoa Beans to make "Aurora Body Scrub"

Students of the Industrial Agricultural Technology Study Program (TIP) Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University (FTP Unud) through the Entrepreneurship Student Creativity Program (PKM-K) developed an innovative beauty product, namely a body scrub from Moringa leaf powder and cocoa bean husk called Aurora Body Scrub. . The students involved were I Gusti Agung Ayu Utami Andari, Made Ayu Dhava Vagisvari Giri Putri, Wayan Angga Pranayasa, Vudia Miranda and Muhammad Giyovani. I Wayan Arnata, S.TP., M.Si.

Picture : Aurora Body Scrub Team

Ayu Utami explained that the Aurora Body Scrub is a beauty product made from natural ingredients that are safe for the skin. The main ingredients used in the production of body scrubs are the husk of cocoa beans and Moringa leaves. Cocoa processing produces by-products in the form of cocoa bean husks that have not been used optimally. It is known that the husk of cocoa beans contains bioactive compounds that have antibacterial and antioxidant properties that have the potential to be used as natural preservatives. While Moringa leaves contain more than 90 nutrients which are called the best natural antioxidants. One of the content of Moringa leaves, namely vitamin C, can be used as a natural lightening agent.

In addition, Ayu Utami explained that Aurora Body Scrub uses the positioning “Pancarkan Sinar Kulit Cantikmu” which means that all women have their own beauty and being beautiful doesn't have to be white. The positioning that we want to give consumers aims to leave a warm impression and can increase someone's confidence.

Picture : Aurora Body Scrub Packagings

This product is designed with an attractive packaging that is not yet on the market and is easy to use. This product is marketed through various platforms such as instagram, tiktok, website and shopee. In the marketing system we use a variety of approaches ranging from interactive content, education and promotions that are useful to support the positioning that we have created. We conduct education here as a form of supporting the National Action for Mercury Reduction and Elimination launched by the President of the Republic of Indonesia through Perpres No. 21 Tahun 2019 tentang Rencana Aksi Nasional Pengurangan dan Penghapusan Merkuri. In addition to online selling, Aurora Body Scrub is also marketed through word of mouth for more effective marketing.

Gambar : Aurora Body Scrubs Products