Successfully Obtaining a Bachelor Degree in Agricultural Technology, Evita Uses Hot Water Blanching Technique To Get The Best Color To Produce Knob Flower Powder

Luh Putu Ayu Evitasari Cesarini, who is often called Evita, has just won her bachelor's degree, namely Bachelor of Agricultural Technology (S.TP.) at the Agricultural Industrial Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University. Evita's research was conducted under the guidance of Dr. Ir. Ni Made Wartini, M.P. and Dr. Ir. Luh Putu Wrasiati, M.P. with the title The Effect of Temperature and Bleaching Time on the Characteristics of Purple Knob Flower Powder (Gomprhena globosa L.).


The research was carried out in the manufacture of purple knob flower powder by knowing the effect of temperature and blanching time on its characteristics and determining which treatment was the best to produce the color of purple knob flower powder. Blanching itself is a short heating process carried out on vegetables and fruits which is useful for deactivating enzymes that cause browning so as to extend shelf life as well as strengthen and maximize the color and flavor of fruits and vegetables.


In the research process, the flower knob was washed first using running water. Then a pot filled with water is heated using a gas stove until it reaches a temperature of 70, 80 and 90oC. When the temperature on the thermometer has reached the specified temperature, reduce the stove fire so that the temperature remains stable and put the flowers in the steamer filter into the water until they are completely submerged. Time calculation is done for 1, 3 and 5 minutes using a stopwatch. After blanching, the purple knob flowers are then cooled by immersing them in ice water and then draining. The purple knob flowers after blanching are separated between the petals and the base of the flower. The separated flower petals are then placed in an aluminum baking dish and placed in the oven until they are dry and easy to crush. Furthermore, the dried flower petals are blended and then sifted to produce purple knob flower powder.

Evita reported that the best treatment was obtained at a blanching temperature of 80oC with a blanching time of 3 minutes, which was recorded to produce purple knob flower powder with the best characteristics with a moisture content of 12.26%; total betacyanin level of 99.87 mg/100g; antioxidant capacity of 388.21 mg GAEAC/g; brightness level (L*) 25.14; redness level (a*) 11.24; and level of yellowness (b*) 13.06. She also suggested that it is necessary to carry out further research regarding the process of making purple knob flower powder by considering other factors such as the steam blanching method to obtain the best purple knob flower powder which can be further processed into coloring extracts into food ingredients. In the future, knob flower powder can be used as a natural food colorant that can be used in the process of making food products such as snacks, cakes and drinks, she said.