Supporting the Achievement of IKU 4 and IKU 7, Food Technology Study Program Collaborates with Practitioners in the Teaching Practitioner Program in Entrepreneurship Courses
To support the
achievement of IKU 4, namely Teaching Practitioners on Campus and IKU 7, namely
Collaborative and Participatory Classes on October 3rd , 2022 and
October 7th , 2022, the Food Technology Study Program, Faculty of
Agricultural Technology, Udayana University collaborated with practitioners,
namely I.G.N. Erlangga Bayu Rahmanda Putra in the entrepreneurship course. The
lecturer in this entrepreneurship course is Mrs. A.A. Istri Sri Wiadnyani,
S.TP., M.Sc and I Gede Arie Mahendra Putra, S.TP., M.TP. The teaching
practitioner activities were attended by 61 students. The Entrepreneurship
Course of the Food Technology Study Program is 1 of 16 selected subjects that
pass the Teaching Practitioner Program which is a collaboration space for
practitioners and academics to educate future leaders who are part of the Merdeka
Belajar Kampus Merdeka Program (MBKM).
I.G.N. Erlangga Bayu
Rahmanda Putra is a practitioner who is involved in entrepreneurship such as
the Founder of Vijaya Store, Bussiness Director of Electric Wheel, Founder of
BTI Energi and many more. He is an alumni of the Faculty of Economics, Udayana
University and holds a Master of Business Administration at the Bandung
Institute of Technology.
In the teaching
practitioner activities he carried out, he explained to students related to
Marketing Insight for Digital and Technopreneurship, Business Model Canvas,
Branding, Marketing and Sales and Google Trends. Students are very interested
and enthusiastic about taking classes given by practitioners because in their
presentation I.G.N. Erlangga Bayu Rahmanda Putra who is familiarly called kak
angga directly interacts with students and invites students to directly
practice making a simple business through a worksheet for market initiation
through the jamboard application, besides that students are also taught to do
market research by looking for gains & pains from customers using online
survey methods such as Google forms or polls using social media such as