The Agricultural Industrial Technology Student Association Holds a 2023 HIMATETRI Scientific Visit
2023 scientific visit is one of the work programs of the Student Association of
the Agroindustrial Technology Study Program, Faculty of Agricultural
Technology, Udayana University which is held by the Department of Science and
Reasoning. The participants of the 2023 Himatetri Scientific Visit were active
students class of 2021 who were accompanied by one of the TIP lecturers, namely
Mrs. Dr. Ir. Amna Hartati, M.P. who is also a lecturer in the System and
Quality Control course. This event was held on Thursday 15th June 2023 at the Secret Garden Village,
2023 Himatetri Scientific Visit is carried out with the aim of introducing
students to processing processes in industry so that students have new
knowledge and experience regarding processing processes in the industrial world
and can compare theories obtained in lectures with those applied to the
industrial world. The 2023 Himatetri Scientific Visit activity begins with a
group photo which is then followed by a tour and education regarding the
processing process at the oemah herborist who is in the secret garden. With
this scientific visit, participants can find out about the processing and
quality control systems of products produced at home herborists such as olive
oil, body scrub, aromatherapy oil, and other personal care products. In
addition, students are also given assignments in the form of reports. which is
part of the assessment in the system and quality control course taught by Mrs.
Dr. Ir. Amna Hartati, M.P.
2023 Himatetri Scientific Visit activities were carried out well according to
what had been planned by the committee and nothing bad happened during the
activity. Dr. Ir. Amna Hartati, M.P. hopes that from this scientific visit
activity, students can compare theories obtained in class with those in
industry, besides that he also hopes that this activity can broaden students'
insights by practicing and analyzing processing processes, systems and quality
control carried out in one of the industries in Bali, she said.