To Improve Quality, All Study Programs at FTP Unud Conduct Internal Quality Audits

In order to improve the quality of each Study Program in the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University (FTP Unud), an Internal Quality Audit (AMI) was held for all study programs at FTP Unud. FTP Unud has 4 Study Programs consisting of 3 Undergraduate Study Programs, namely the Food Technology Study Program, the Agroindustrial Technology Study Program and the Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering Study Program and 1 Master Study Program namely the Food Technology Master Study Program. AMI activities were attended by Auditors, Deans, Study Program Coordinators as Auditees, TPPMPS, Unit Coordinators in FTP Unud, and Related Lecturers


Internal Quality Audit activities have been carried out in each study program. The Agroindustrial Technology Study Program carried out AMI on August 16th , 2022 in the Theater Room, GA Bukit Jimbaran Building with Dr. I Wayan Arnata, S.TP., M.Si as Auditee. On this occasion, Mrs. Dr. Sumiyati, S.TP., M.P as lead auditor, and Dr. Gusti Ayu Kadek Diah Puspawati, S.TP., M.Si. and I Putu Suparthana, S.P., M.Agr., Ph.D. as auditors.


The Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering Study Program carried out AMI on August 18th , 2022 in the Theater Room, GA Bukit Jimbaran Building with Dr. Ir. Ida Bagus Putu Gunadnya, M.S. as auditee. On this occasion, Mrs. Dr. Ir. Ni Made Wartini, M.P. as lead auditor, and Dr. Ir. Amna Hartiati, M.P. and I Putu Suparthana, S.P., M.Agr., Ph.D. as auditors.


The Master of Food Technology Study Program has also carried out AMI on August 18th , 2022 in the GA Bukit Jimbaran Meeting Room with Dr. Ir. I Wayan Widia, M. SIE. as auditee. On this occasion Prof. Dr. Ir. G.P. Ganda Putra, M.P. as lead auditor, and Mrs. Dr. A A. Made Dewi Anggreni, S.TP., M.Si and Luh Putu Trisna Darmayanti, S.Hut., M.P. as auditors.


And followed by the Food Technology Undergraduate Study Program which carried out AMI on August 19th , 2022 in the GA Bukit Jimbaran Meeting Room with Dr. Gusti Ayu Kadek Diah Puspawati, S.TP., M.Si. as auditee. On this occasion Dr. Ir. Luh Putu Wrasiati, M.P. as lead auditor, and Ir. Ida Bagus Wayan Gunam, M.P., Ph.D. and Dr. Sumiyati, S.TP., M.P. as auditors.


AMI activities carried out by all Study Programs in the FTP Unud environment have been running smoothly, it is hoped that through the AMI carried out it can improve the quality of each Study Program and all Study Programs under FTP Unud can achieve Superior accreditation.