To Increase PKM-GFT Production, HIMATETA Holds a Graviti Event
The Agricultural
Engineering and Biosystem Engineering Study Program Student Association of FTP
Udayana carried out Pre-Gravity activities on October 9th , 2022 and
Gravity activities and Public Lectures on Sunday, October 30th ,
2022 at the FG Chemistry Building, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences,
Bukit Jimbaran Campus. The participants in this activity were New Students
Batch 2022. Graviti is an Echo of Student Creativity, an activity that aims to
introduce the TPB Study Program to new students and the creation of PKM-GFT.
The Pre-Graviti activity
consisted of seminar material delivered by one of the Professors of the
Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Study Program, namely Prof. Dr. Ir. I
Nyoman Sucipta, M.P. namely Introduction and Direction for Making PKM-GFT and another
resource person, namely Oliver Owen, namely Tips and Tricks for Making PKM-GFT.
In addition, the Graviti
Peak Activities and Public Lectures are a series of talk shows and
presentations by the PKM-GFT group with the best PKM scripts. The jury for this
activity was Ms. Mentari Kinasih, S.TP., M.T. and Mr. Dr.I Putu Surya Wirawan,
S.TP., M.Sc. Which was attended by all students of Agricultural and Biosystem
Engineering class of 2022. At the peak of Graviti's activities, there were
several talk show speakers, namely Prof. Ir. I Made Supartha Utama, M.S., PH.D.
and and I Ketut Trisna Adi Putra, S.T who presented material namely Generation
Z Do You Want to Be a Farmer in the Current Era?
Arya Maulana as Chair of
the Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Study Program Student Association
said that Graviti is a series of public lectures for new students as well as
the creation of PKM-GFT so that it is expected that the output of this activity
is to obtain the best PKM-GFT written by students of the Agricultural and
Biosystems Engineering Study Program , he also said that he hoped that the
PKM-GFT produced in the future could be continued to a higher level and was
expected to be able to increase student achievement in the Study Program, he