To Support the MBKM Program, FTP Unud Involves Stakeholders Conducting FGD Curriculum Re-Orientation and Reviewing Vision and Mission

The Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University (FTP Unud) held a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on Curriculum Re-Orientation and Vision and Mission Review on Tuesday, 28th  June 2022 in Nusantara Room, Agrokompleks Building 4th Floor, Sudirman Campus.


The activity was attended and opened directly by the Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Planning, Mrs. Dr. Sumiyati, S.TP., M.P., Deputy Dean for General Affairs and Finance, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs and Information, Chair of the Senate, Unit Coordinator and Study Program Coordinator at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Stakeholders namely Mr. Agung Wedhatama, the Chairperson of the Bali P4S Young Farmers Forum Cool Young Farmers, Mr. Ida Bagus Gunarthawa, Founder of the Samsara Living Museum and Bali Initiative Hub (Bithub) and Mr. IGN Oka Pardita from the Ministry of Industry, Denpasar Industrial Training Center (BDI) and attended by all Lecturers of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology.


The activity contains material presentations from each stakeholder as well as discussions related to the curriculum that can be developed in FTP to support the MBKM program. Mr. Agung Wedhatama as Chair of the Bali Young Farmers Forum P4S Keren Young Farmers provided input that students should be directed to make choices regarding the goals to be achieved in the lecture process at FTP Unud such as academics, technopreneurs, socialpreneurs, entrepreneurs or researchers, besides that he also gave input that special debriefing or courses are needed related to public speaking, digitalization and content creators because these are very much needed in today's industrial world, he said.


Mr. Ida Bagus Agung Gunarthawa Founder of the Samsara Living Museum and Bali Initiative Hub (Bithub) also agreed with Mr. Agung Wedhatama's suggestion, he also said that digitalization and content creators in the current digital era are very necessary, besides that he also provided input that in the preparation of The curriculum must also pay attention to cross-sectoral (pentahelix) such as media, business, society, government and academia so that in the future transdisciplinary research can be developed, he said. This was also approved by IGN Oka Pardita, a resource person from the Ministry of Industry, Denpasar Industrial Training Center (BDI).

In addition to this activity, the signing of the Minutes of Internship between the Coordinator of the Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering Study Program, Dr. Ir. Ida Bagus Putu Gunadnya, M.S. with Mr. Agung Wedhatama Bali Young Farmers Forum P4S Keren Young Farmers and giving souvenirs to resource persons and fellow stakeholders from the Young Keren Young Farmers Bali Farmers Forum. As well as a review of the Vision and Mission of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology which was carried out by the Vision and Mission Review Team of FTP Unud.


Mrs. Dr. Ir. Luh Putu Wrasiati, M.P. as the chairman of the committee hopes that through this activity it can help FTP Unud in carrying out Curriculum Re-Orientation and Reviewing the Vision and Mission so that the curriculum of all Study Programs in FTP Unud can be adapted to the needs of the Industry to support the MBKM Program.