Towards the Internationalization of Udayana University to Become a PTN-BH, Lecturer of the FTP Unud TIP Study Program Appointed as a Resource Person for the Unud Spokesperson Workshop
Lecturer of the Agroindustrial Technology Study
Program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University, Prof. Ir.
Nyoman Semadi Antara, M.P. Ph.D. who also served as the head of the PTN-BH Team
of Udayana University was lined up as a resource person in a workshop organized
by the Spokesperson's Team of Udayana University, namely the Workshop to unite
journalistic aspects for publication in the context of the transformation of
PTNBH Towards the Internationalization of Udayana University and provide
material related to the Transformation of Udayana University into a Legal
Entity PTN which was held on October 18th, 2022 at the Jimbaran Bay
Beach Resort and Spa Ballroom.
This activity was opened by the Rector of Udayana
University, Prof. Dr. Ir. I Nyoman Gde Antara, M. Eng. IPU. This activity was
attended by the Spokesperson Team of Udayana University, Media Partners and
UPIKS representatives in the Faculty at Udayana University. On this occasion
Prof. Ir. Nyoman Semadi Antara, M.P. Ph.D. explained what things need to be
prepared by Udayana University in preparing itself to go to PTN-BH and the
extent to which Udayana University is ready to transform into PTN-BH. He also
said that the requirements for changing PTN to become PTN-BH according to
Permendikbud 88 of 2014 and the amendments to Permendikbud 4 of 2020 are
Organizing the Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi, Managing PTN organizations based on
good governance principles, Meeting the minimum standards of financial
feasibility, Carrying out social responsibility , and Play a role in economic
development as well as the initial study of Udayana University towards PTN-BH.
Prof. Ir. Nyoman Semadi Antara, M.P. Ph.D. also hopes
that Udayana University can immediately transform into a PTN-BH according to
the target set by Udayana University and he hopes that the entire academic
community can also help and collaborate to make this happen. better through
asset management to improve education.