Unud FTP TPB Study Program Students Win 4 Medals in the AGREETION event

AGREETION (Agritech Research and Entrepreneurship Innovation) is an international event organized by Agritech Research and Study Club (ARSC), Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Universitas Brawijaya. AGREETION is an annual international competition in the field of paper and poster competition with the theme (International Research Innovation for Agritech Development) and BMC competition with the theme (International Business Innovation for Agritech Entrepreneurship). This activity will be held in March 2022.

Several students of the Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering Study Program (TPB) Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University (FTP Unud) at this AGREETION event were able to win 4 medals in the scientific paper and poster competition with 3 silver and 1 bronze medals from 3 student groups in the competition.

The students who took part in the AGREETION competition were I Kadek Agus Widhiartana (Chairman of the Group), Arya Maulana, and I Putu Arya Patrama Khrisna Putra who were able to win the Silver Medal Paper Competition Intelligence Agrotechnology and Bronze Medal Poster Competition Intelligence Agrotechnology, in addition the group led by Angel Citra Ornella and her members Ni Luh Trisna Candra Dewi and Aurelia Gladys Clarissa Ambarita won the Silver Medal Poster Competition for Environmental innovation and Ni Luh Gede Enjelina Ayu Maheswari and her group members, Yunita Kusumaning Ratri and I Kadek Darmawan were able to win the Silver medal for the poster competition Intelligence Agroindustry. This group of students was guided by lecturer Ni Nyoman Sulastri, S.TP., M.Agr., Ph.D., and Dr. I Putu Surya Wirawan, S.TP., M.Si.

Arya Maulana, one of the student representatives who won the Silver and Bronze medals said that he was proud to be a representative of TPB FTP Unud and was able to present medals to FTP Unud and he also hoped that in the future there would be more medals that were won by the students of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, especially medals in the Gold Medal category and he also said that he would prepare himself more thoroughly in the next competition in order to be able to present a gold medal to FTP Unud.