Village Development Faculty of Agricultural Technology Conducts Training and Assistance Related to Making Organic Fertilizers and Vegetable Pesticides
The Student Group incorporated in Bina Desa of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology carried out “Optimizing organic agriculture that is still contaminated with chemicals by making training and mentoring related to making organic fertilizers and vegetable pesticides” in January 2025 in Batunya Village. This group was guided by the Lecturer of the Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering Study Program Mr. I Gede Arda, S.TP., M.Sc., Ph.D. consisting of 12 TPB students namely Putu Pingkan Mastia Nirmala, Zulfa Adhfan Aditya, Ni Komang Ayu Tasia Antarini, Dewa Ayu Septia Difayani, I Gede Ngurah Raditya Wisnu Permana, Niswati, Rostinah, I Wayan Tobagus Pramauda, I Made Mickey Yogi Ajna Karuna, Ni Luh Putu Prita Wartina, Komang Ratih Indah Pradnyani and Valentino Paulo Udje.
This activity collaborates with the Women Farmers Group in Batunya Village and also involves training and assistance in making Liquid Organic Fertilizer (POC) and Vegetable Pesticides which are narrated by Mr. I Gst. Ag.Ngr Fajarhary R. and Mrs. A.A.I Juliawati Mayun. According to Mr. Made Riasa, the use of organic fertilizers gives a difference in the taste of vegetables that are sweeter and less bitter than using chemical fertilizers and pesticides. This training received high enthusiasm from local residents, especially from KWT members, who were very eager to participate in the activity. This activity was welcomed by the Head of Batunya Village, I Made Riasa S.Sos. He mentioned that the village's Women Farmers Group (KWT) had just started an organic farming program by growing vegetables. However, in the trial of this program, the use of fertilizers and pesticides is still made from chemicals.
The output of this activity is to replace maintenance materials that are still mixed with chemicals into organic, get healthier vegetable results, and reduce the bitter taste of vegetables. One of the student representatives who is familiarly called Raditya said that his hope is that organic farming in Batunya Village will be further developed, because organic farming is environmentally friendly agriculture and has very good benefits for the human body when consuming crops from organic plants and in the future sustainability can be formed related to an environmentally friendly agricultural system that encourages soil and plant health by using organic ingredients, he said.