“Bumbu Genep Powder” The Local Products From Bali Ready to Worldwide
Bumbu Genep Powder or Bumbu Paon Bali is the result of research from the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University. The Research Team of Bumbu Genep Powder are Dr. Ir. Luh Putu Wrasiati, M.P, Dr. Ir. Lutfi Suhendra, M.P. and Ni Luh Putu Ravi Cakswindryandani, S.TP., M.Si. Bumbu Paon Bali is a base genep which is a traditional Balinese seasoning that has a distinctive taste made from spices such as spices, chilies, onions and garlic which contain bioactive compounds that function as antioxidants and antimicrobials.
Picture : Ingredients (Personal Docummentation)
Wet seasoning is usually made through the process of sorting, formulation, crushing or grinding, weighing and packaging in wet form with Polyethylene (PE) plastic packaging. Wet spices which are usually packaged in plastic are only able to last 2-4 days in cold temperatures (AC) so that they are less practical to use, go rancid quickly, and are not easy to send out of the region.
Picture : Wet Seasoning (Personal Documentation)
solve the shelf life problem without using preservatives, product development
innovations are carried out by modifying the processing process using
appropriate technology, namely by sorting, formulation (weighing), crushing, drying, milling,
sifting, weighing powder and packaging. This seasoning has advantages, namely
practical and long shelf life (366 days), the product is more commercial and
the packaging and label provide basic product information.
Bumbu Paon Bali is a Pre Start Up product that has passed the funding
from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). Many innovations were
made in product development from Bumbu
Paon Bali. This product is targeted to be able to advance and be known both
nationally and internationally, because fans of this local Balinese spice have
increased along with the development of the culinary world.
Let's support so that Bumbu Paon Bali can be known more widely, both nationally and internationally.
Picture : Bumbu Genep Powder (Personal Documentation)