20 Unud FTP Representatives consisting of Students and Lecturers Participate in the G20 B-Side Event
20 Representatives of the
Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University consisting of students
from all study programs at FTP Unud and their lecturers participated in the G20
B-Side Event, namely "V20 2022 Pre-Summit at G20 Development Working
Group". The lecturer who actively participated in this activity together
with the students, Dr. Ir. Luh Putu Wrasiati, M.P. from the Agroindustrial Technology
Study Program and Ni Made Indri Hapsari Arihantana, S.TP., M.P. also I Gede
Arie Mahendra Putra, S.TP., M.TP. from the Food Technology Study Program,
besides that, FTP Unud lecturers also attended online activities through Zoom
Meetings. The themes of the activities that were followed were the
Sustainability Compass; Value-Based Approaches To Overcoming Global
Values ??20 (V20) is a
global community of value experts and practitioners who seek to add depth to
the understanding of values ??in public policy. The V20 operates within the G20
community and aims to provide evidence-based and people-centred policy
solutions. V20 believes that values-based policies can improve the lives of
people around the world. This activity was held on Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at
Singaraja Hall, Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center 1.
This event brings
together great speakers from all over the world. The keynote speech at this
event was Alexandra Askandar Chair of the Indonesian Human Capital Forum, VP
Director / Deputy CEO of Bank Mandiri. In addition, there were speakers who
discussed Values, Introduction of V20 Linkage to SDGs achievements which took
place on a panel led by Prof. Krzysztof Dembek, V20 Founding Circle. The
resource persons who participated were Mr. Dimah Al-Sheikh who is the V20
Founders, Mrs. Marisa Faccio and Mr. Stefano Petti who is the V20 2021
Co-Chairs, Mrs. Alissa Wahid who is the V20 2022 Co-Sherpa, Damon Gameau who is
Regenerating Australia – Regen Studios and Fabienne Michaux who is the Director,
SDG Impact – UNDP Sustainable Finance Hub, Materials related to Understanding
Your Values ??were presented by Mr. Dicky Herlambang Associate Director
Leadverse DDI and Dr. Asif Chowdhury Corporate Value Officer - Arrowad Group,
and Mr. Dicky Herlambang Associate Director Leadverse DDI who brought material
related to Personal Values ??Assessment. In addition, it also presented
resource persons from stakeholders and partners from Indika Energy, World
Values ??Day, ID Leaders and Kalla Group.
One of the representatives
from Unud FTP Students, I Made Bagus Wisesa Yogiswara said that he was very
happy to be able to participate in the V-20 activity which is the G20 B-Side
Event, he said he was very proud to be able to participate and join together
with great people from all over the world to discuss Value-Based Approaches to
Addressing Global Challenges. He also added that he was very enthusiastic about
participating in the activities that awaited, namely the V20 Summit at Green
School Bali on 20-21 October 2022 which contained cultural performances at the
Green School Community as informed, he said.