Deepen Knowledge and Practice of Making Various Kinds of Traditional Balinese Food, Food Technology Study Program Gives Students Experience with Field Practicum
The Food Technology Study Program, Faculty of
Agricultural Technology, Udayana University has conducted a Field Practicum for
Traditional Balinese Food Course on Tuesday, October 25th , 2022 at
Warung Alit with Mr. Ir. Anak Agung Gede Ngurah Anom Jambe, M.Si. who is a
Lecturer Staff of the Food Technology Study Program who has entered his
retirement period who is also the Owner of Warung Alit, Banjar Pancoran,
This activity was attended by 63 Food Technology
Study Program students who took the Balinese Traditional Food course
accompanied by a Food Technology Study Program Lecturer, namely Prof. Dr. Ir. I
Made Sugitha, M.Sc., I Putu Suparthana, S.P, M.Agr.Ph.D., Putu Julyantika Nica
Dewi, S.TP., M.TP., and I Gede Arie Mahendra Putra, S.TP. , M.TP.
In the field practicum carried out students were
introduced and taught direct practice in making several traditional Balinese
foods such as Loloh, Jaje Lukis, Pesan Celengis, Jukut Ares, Komoh, Serombotan,
Pesan Pindang, Opokan, Be Kuah, Betutu, Lawar and Sate lilit,
besides that it was also introduced related to the types of spices / base
used in the process of making traditional Balinese food. After the practical
process of making various types of Balinese Traditional Food was carried out,
the activity was closed by carrying out one of the traditions and customs of
Bali, namely "Megibung".
Prof. Dr. Ir. I Made Sugitha, M.Sc. as the
coordinator of the course, expressed his deepest appreciation and gratitude to
Warung Alit and Mr. Ir. Anak Agung Gede Ngurah Anom Jambe, M.Sc. who is pleased
to facilitate and provide knowledge for students of the Food Technology Study
Program, he hopes that this collaboration can continue to be established so
that students gain direct knowledge and practice in the process of making
various types of Balinese Traditional Food so that students can do and
experience the procession of making Balinese Traditional Food firsthand. with
traditional characteristics in Bali, especially Klungkung Regency and feel one
of the traditions and customs that exist in Bali, namely "Megibung".