Product Development “Maggot From Feed To Food” at Laboratory of Process Engineering and Quality Control FTP Unud
Process Engineering and Quality Control Laboratory is a laboratory managed by the Industrial Agricultural Technology study program, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Udayana University (FTP Unud). One of the studies in this laboratory is Product Development, which is a complete and comprehensive development process in order to produce a new product or to improve the quality of an existing product. Products developed can be in the form of new products or modifications of existing products.
Currently, the FTP Process Engineering and Quality Control laboratory is developing products from maggot. Maggots are larvae of the Black Soldier Fly (BSF) type. Maggot cultivation has been developed by one of the maggot producers in Bali, namely PT. Bala Biotech Indonesia. But so far maggot is still used as animal feed for fish and poultry.
Dried maggot can be processed into maggot flour and can be used as a raw material for high protein snacks. Maggot flour contains about 20% carbohydrates, 40-57% protein, 5-8% fat, 7% crude fiber, phosphorus and calcium. The chemical composition of maggot which is high in protein, maggot product development was carried out by Master of Food Technology FTP Unud students, namely I Gusti Ayu Krisma Widya Saraswati and I Gede Arie Mahendra Putra under the guidance of Dr. Ir. Luh Putu Wrasiati, MP. The purpose of developing this product is to utilize maggot not only for animal feed but for consumption as human food in the future. Contemporary products that have been successfully developed to the development and testing of concepts and have organoleptic characteristics favored by panelists are chips, sticks and cookies maggot.
From the results of the research on the utilization of maggot flour into tortilla chips, which had previously been carried out, it was found that the addition of Maggot Flour in the processing of Tortilla Chips which was included in the category of extrudate snacks, the results of the Chemical characteristics and Total Microbes were in accordance with the Indonesian National Standard (SNI 01-2886-2000). ) about Extrudate Snacks.
Mrs. Dr. Ir. Luh Putu Wrasiati, MP said that she would conduct further research in the future by utilizing Maggot flour such as the stages of marketing strategy development, business analysis, market testing and commercialization so that product development is safe, acceptable to the wider community and can educate the public regarding the advantages of the product maggot based.