Strengthen the family ties, “Suka Duka” of FTP Udayana Organizes Tirta Yatra at Batur Temple and Puncak Penulisan Temple

The “Suka Duka” of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology carried out the Tirta Yatra to Batur Temple and Puncak Penulisan Temple on Saturday, 18th  February 2023. This activity was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural Technology Prof. Ir. I Made Anom Sutrisna Wijaya, M.App.Sc.,Ph.D., Deputy Dean at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Coordinator of the Information Management Unit and FTP Unud Cooperation, Coordinator of the Agricultural Industrial Technology Study Program along with Unud FTP Lecturers and Staff.


The Tirta Yatra activity was carried out starting with a gathering at the Sudirman Campus of Udayana University which was then carried out by traveling and praying together to Batur Temple and Puncak Penulisan Temple in Bangli Regency and ending with conviviality at Ritatkala Café Kintamani to increase the kinship between members.


Dr. I Wayan Rai Widarta, S.TP., M.Si. as the Chairperson of the Suka Duka Faculty of Agricultural Technology reported that this activity was carried out in addition to praying together at Batur Temple and Puncak Penulisan Temple, it was also carried out to increase togetherness and kinship between the FTP Unud Suka and Duka members, he also hoped that activities like this could be carried out at the end or semester lectures so that the sense of togetherness and kinship between members can be more closely intertwined, he said.