The PPK ORMAWA Team of FTP Unud TIP Study Program Designs Assistance and Training in Processing Herbal Drinks Products at Karya Sari SMEs, Tabanan Regency
The Student Organization
Capacity Building Program Team (PPK ORMAWA) Student Association of Agroindustrial
Technology Study Program Faculty of Agricultural Technology Udayana University
(TIP FTP Unud Study Program) consisting of 10 students namely Jessica
Ayuningtyas Putranti, Ni Kadek Listera Pratysentani, Dwi Nanda Arta Maharani,
Ni Wayan Mutriani, I Gusti Ayu Cintya Rahayu, Ihsanul Maulana, Putu Yuni Ayu
Sari, Cindy Aprilia, Anak Agung Sagung Istri Mirah Aryeswari Yunantara, and
Rahiqi Machtum who are students of the Class of 2020 provide Processing of Palm
Sugar-Based Herbal Product Innovations at Karya Sari SMEs, Tabanan Regency.
This activity was accompanied by a Lecturer of the Agroindustrial Technology
Study Program, Mrs. Dr. Ir. Luh Putu Wrasiati, M.P.
The Innovation Product
Processing Training activity at Karya Sari SMEs, Pupuan, Tabanan Regency is
ongoing and is planned to be carried out by providing counseling, training and
assistance in processing innovation products. The innovation product in
question is an herbal drink product based on palm sugar with the addition of
lemongrass to maintain health during the COVID-19 transition period. This is
because Karyasari Village, Pupuan District, Tabanan Regency is one of the areas
in Bali Province that has natural potential, namely sugar palm plants which are
quite abundant while the addition of lemongrass is due to increase the
bioactive content that is good for health and provides unique organoleptic
properties for the products produced.
Jessica Ayuningtyas
Putranti as the group leader explained that this herbal drink product of
lemongrass and palm sugar is expected to be the optimal solution in ensuring
the health of every village community as well as additional income by the Karya
Sari SMEs, Tabanan Regency. This is because the source of raw materials
available in the village can be said to be abundant enough to be used in the
process of making this herbal drink. Apart from the source of raw materials,
the enthusiasm of the village community is also quite high related to the
provision of this counseling and mentoring activity.